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 Web Sites

Paul Slichter's Currently Blooming Wildflowers in Oregon and Washington 

Keith McCree's Wildflowers of the Oregon Cascades
Paul Slichter's Flora Northwest 
Oregon State University's Trees of the Pacific Northwest


 Wildflower Guides



The definitive guide to Wildflowers (and plants in general) of the Pacific Northwest is Jim Pojar and And MacKinnon's Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. It is such a definitive guide that it is coming referred to by trail enthusiasts as the "Pojar." Do not be discouraged by the suggestion that only coastal flowers will be found, as the guide's range includes the Cascades. If you are even the mildest of enthusiasts, this guide is a definitive must have, one for the bookshelf and one for the backpack.




If you can't find your Pojar, then the National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Pacific Northwest is the next best choice. It covers a greater area, includes fauna and flora (and more), and is the all-around perfect companion to everything wild.




Larry Ulrich's Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest is a nice wildflower picture book for your coffee table, complete with over 135 pages of pictures. One of the great side benefits to this photo-book is the detailed description of when and where each photograph was taken.



Mac's Field Guides make a double-sided, lamenated picture guide for Pacific Northwest Wildflowers. This can be fairly handy for just a quick and easy reference guide to the 90 most common flowers on the trail.



(c) Geoffrey Peters, intangibility.com, 2002. For more information regarding this web page, please contact
Other web sites include: intangibility.com, ...intangible northwest..., Travel Logs, and intangible photography gallery