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This page has a collection of various other pictures from the trip to the Wyoming. To the right is Emerson playing in a field outside of the new Denver International Airport. 

Emerson at Denver International Airport
While in Laramie, Jenn and I stepped through memory lane and revisited our old haunts. This is a playground that we remembered taking Josie and Jaren to play. It was quite strange to be back with our own son.
The Peters Family

The main reason for the Wyoming trip was to lay my grandmother, Florence Peters, to rest in Wyoming. The entire Peters family, sparse it may be, came out for the event.

While in Laramie, I had to take a drive out into the country side. Below is one of the old snow fences alongside a dirt road northeast of town. 

Snow Fence Line

Jenn and I also jumped in the car from a trip out into the plains to the west of Laramie. It was the same road where Jenn taught me how to drive a stick in her old subaru. We jumped out at a random spot and let Emerson experience real wind for the first time. To the right and below are a montage of shots of the event. 

Shy Em
Will it blow me over?
Jenn in her native place
Emerson struggling against the wind
Em and Mom

The Wyoming countryside is an austere place with its own form of beauty. Many people driving through the flat portions of the state rush through to the mountains or Yellowstone. It takes a while, but an appreciation for the plains builds up gradually and strongly. 

Yellow Bloom
Tiger Lily
Wyoming Essence

This picture just about sums up Wyoming. 

On the way back down to Denver, Jenn and I stopped by Rocky Mountain National Park. It was amusing coming across this sign after a short hike from the road. I used it to gloat over friends back here in Oregon. 

Gloating material
Rocky Mountain National Park

(c) Geoffrey Peters, intangibility.com, 2002. For more information regarding this web page, please contact
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