Hong Kong Trip ('99)
Through an amazing stroke of luck, I was given the opportunity
to take a trip to Hong Kong in the summer of 1999. My closest
friends from work joined me on the work/vacation trip and we
ended up taking almost a week to explore the city and its
Below are some pictures taken by the collective four of us
during the trip -- THANK YOU Mark, Kara, and Lenka! The trip was much more low key than my typical
vacation, hence I do not have a lengthy photojournal of the trip.
What would a trip be without at least one flight
missed? My flight out of Portland was sufficiently delayed that I
ended up missing the trans-pacific flight to Hong Kong for that
day, leaving me with no alternative but to catch the next day's
flight. It was no problem for me, for I finally got a chance to
see Bryn and Susan while I was in town. (Mark and Tanya were too
busy planning for their wedding to see me -- be sure to check out
the Ireland trip).
A panaroma
of downtown San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge at night
and Susan (and my two fingers)
I arrived in Hong Kong with my mouth open in awe
and it was several days before it shut again. The density of the place is simply
inconceivable. It was the biggest city I had ever seen -- and then we rounded
the corner and I saw the real Hong Kong and just about fainted. It was
like being in a science fiction novel. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago -- they
are all just minor bubbles on the landscape -- all of them appear to be just a
minor blip of humanity in the otherwise dominating nature. Hong Kong, though,
was the first place I have ever seen where the full impact of humanity seemed to
take hold. It filled me both with triumph and shame for mankind.
There are so many things to mention about Hong Kong the city,
from its massiveness, to its flamboyancy, to its smells. I will let the pictures
do the story telling this time, however. For instance, below you can see that
Hong Kong uses their own natural resources. The scaffolding on the skyrise
buildings is made out of not metal or plastic, but bamboo!
Would you catch me
working on this building?
Two guys tying
bamboo together, 25 stories high!
Kara and I: beneath a sign
for MCSE certification.
and Big Wave Beach |
After gasping for air amidst the sea of humanity in downtown
Hong Kong for a day, the four of us escaped to Shek-O and its "Big Wave
Beach". The double decker bus ride there was at break-neck speeds among the
narrowest streets. On the same trip, we also stopped and visited one of the Shek-O
open markets, were we communicated with hand gestures and contemplated buying
netted bunches of live frogs for lunch. And the beach? well, despite the name,
the waves weren't really much to speak of, but the shark nets were enough to
scare us into staying fairly close to shore.
Lenka and I
speeding along
World Travelers!
Lenka still
taking pictures, laughing about our unsuccessful attempt to snap a
shot of our bus driver
Is that a gas
station behind me?
Our lunch experience --
trying to decipher what it is we were eating
The open air market
we went to
"Can you
believe she wants a picture of me in front of chickens hanging by
their necks?"
The one and only picture of
all four fearless adventurers!
Was it obvious
whether or not we were having fun?
Doing our part to
help the local community
Evolution of Mankind
Kung Peninsula Hiking |
When the skyrises began to warp overhead in claustrophobic
exageration, Kara, Mark and I headed out for a hike on the main land. After
taking a long bus ride, we were able to get a fair way away from main
populations. We hiked around a reservoir in heat over-deserving of the name
"humid", and then skinny-dipped in the ocean to rest our bodies. Along
the way I must have seen 20 different types of butterflies too. It was all very
The reservoir (look! no
Mark caught this
rare photograph of a wild Hikeritus Hippius in its native
habitat. Luckily the sign was there to warn us of its presence (I
didn't see it though)
Kara, the strongest
of the three of us, having a momentary lapse in muscle reasoning
Can you believe
these orchids were wild?
Never found out the
name of this one...
For Kara's birthday, three of us went to a Indonesian
restaurant. I made the mistake of ordering something from the non-english menu
and barely made it through the dinner without rupturing the lining of my stomach
due to the potency of the dish's chili base. We did manage to get a pretty cool
cake on the night -- it was something like bean curd mixed with jello and tasted
just about as appetizing as it sounds.
Before picture
After picture
Of course, we did lots of either eating and probably ate many things that we
wouldn't if we knew what they were. Peking Duck is extraordinary, by the way.
On one of the last days, Lenka and I took a trip to a monastery
known for its prophetic oracle. We both sat down and had our fortunes told,
after going through the symbolic acts of shaking the spriritual fortune sticks.
Praying for good
Tig was there too!
There are many stories to tell about the Hong Kong trip -- feel free to ask!